Save More Plumbing and Lighting is participating in the Interior Design Show West. We will have great deals on our products and some of them will be on display for you to look at, at the show. The show will be held at the New Vancouver Convention Centre from October 14th to October 17th. This show is for people who are building or renovating their homes. This will be the perfect time to browse and purchase products for your home. For your kitchen, bathroom and lighting needs, we have great sale prices that won’t disappoint you. We have good quality products that go along with the modern and classic trends. We have styles to fit every concept and design that will be on sale at the Interior Design Show, from decorative to simple. The show is perfect for interior designers as well as the general public. If you drop by to one of our locations we can give you $2.00 off admission! Our booth number is: 913
Adults: $15
Senior and Youth: $10
Opening Night: $20
Show Schedule:
Thursday, October 14th 6pm – 10pm (opening night)
Friday October 15th 10am – 4pm (Trade only)
Friday October 15th 4pm – 9pm (general public)
Saturday October 16th 10am – 6pm (general public)
Sunday October 17th 10am – 5pm (general public)
Hope to see you there!