To protect your acrylic bathtubs surface, it should be cleaned only with a non-abrasive liquid bathroom cleaner, made specifically for acrylic.
DO NOT use abrasive powder, dry cleaning detergent, bleach, nail polish remover, petroleum distillates or other strong solvents to clean the surface of your bathtub. Never use a scraper, a metal brush or anything that could scratch or damage the surface.
If you have a resistant stain, you can use de-natured alcohol to try and remove it. Keep in mind that de-natured alcohol is toxic; therefore, please wear gloves at all times during cleaning and follow the safety instructions in your installation manual.
For paint stains, please use Turpentine, and use Wooden spatula with a moist cloth for plaster residue.
Additionally, if you want to remove fine scratches, the best result is to use car wax.
The beauty of acrylic products is that if it starts looking slightly worn out, you can lightly sand it down with sandpapers to achieve a brand new look once again!
Stay tuned next week for Acrylic Maintenance Part II: "How to Remove Deep Scratches for Acrylic Tubs?"
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can also help you with any further questions!
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