Valley’s O3 system is an ingenious system that is small and compact, and it is designed to to facilitate the installation of a whirlpool or an air jet system easier. The air compressor pushes ozone throughout the piping or air channels of the massage systems. It has the advantage of improving the ozone production as it increases the volume of O3 and acts as an electronic control that controls all sanitation process of your massage bathtub. Additionally, there is an LED on the keypad which displays the various stages of the cycle when in process.

The O3 system has probes that detect water in the bathtub. When this happens, the system will automatically activate the waiting mode until the bathtub is empty.
When the bathtub is empty, the O3 system turns on a one-hour-delay timer and the system will then start the cleaning process for 15 minutes to sanitize the whirlpool piping or the air channel of the bathtub.

Another great thing about Valley’s O3 system is that there is no maintenance required. The O3 system is perfect for our bathtub massage systems because its major role is to act as a water purifier, ensuring that fresh water is always being supplied and minimizing dirt residues.
For more information, please visit one of our local showrooms today!
Vancouver Showroom
1790 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
Surrey Showroom
12387 84TH AVE
Surrey, BC